Support the MACC so it will be here for another 100 years! image

Support the MACC so it will be here for another 100 years!

Become a Sustaining Member of the MACC!


The MACC is your Arts Center!

Things you may not know about the MACC?

  • The MACC is not tax payer supported. In other words, the MACC does not receive any operational funds from the Town.
  • The MACC is staffed by volunteers.
  • Those people you see painting, scraping paint, cleaning, mowing the lawn and manning the office are volunteers.
  • Every penny of income made by the lessons and activities at the MACC go right back into the MACC.
  • The SMEPF, a non-profit, runs the MACC for the Town of Signal Mountain.
  • The SMEPF has put in over $400,000 of donated funds into the renovation of the MACC since 2018.

Why your help is needed?

To sustain all the programs listed below will take a full time staff and of course that takes money. Your monthly contribution will allow for a full time Director to be hired to manage and expand the programs. You contributions will also allow for the continued renovation of the building and expanding our programs. The MACC building will be 100 years old in 2026 and your monthly contribution will ensure that it is here and providing for the community in another 100 years!

But that will not happen with out your help!

The MACC has over 30 great local artists, musicians, dancers, and clay artists teaching at the MACC.

  • School of Percussive Arts
  • Mountain Arts Clay Center
  • Hannah Myers Fine Art
  • Val Gibson Art Studio
  • Studio 9 Dance Studio
  • Miss Crissy's School of Dance
  • Yogaaah
  • Robert Emery Chocolates
  • Doghouse Music Studios
  • Market at MACC
  • WMAC Radio
  • Sara Coolidge Art Studio
  • As well as 30 additional teachers